Thursday, December 28, 2006

Annual Theme

December 28, 2006. 2007 is just around the corner. Deep thoughts, I know.

It's been kind of a weird year. Since I pretty much stopped blogging in May, we've moved to Brooklyn and I'm leaving my job. There's been a lot of real estate and work-related turmoil - we sold our place, almost bought another one, changed our minds, and moved into a rental instead. I changed jobs (at the same company), got a new boss, became ... disillusioned ... and am now on my way out. In addition, I basically stopped working out on any kind of regular schedule. Blah. Bleh. I don't want to make it sound too bad -- good times and fun were had, but maybe I was just hitting below my game. In retrospect, I'll call 2006 the "Year of Transition."

But 2005 was my self-appointed "Year of Fitness." I actually told people that, and it pretty much worked. After a lifetime of limited (to put it nicely) physical activity, I turned over a new leaf. I ran the New York City Marathon. I completed 2 and 1/3 (don't ask) triathlons. I bought a bike (actually 2). I learned to swim (thanks TI!). I ran bunches of races in Central Park. I lost fat (if not many pounds) and felt good. Training for triathlons (and running the NYC marathon) was this cool thing that I did.

So what's on the agenda for 2007?
For one thing, I need a name. And some goals. I'm thinking the "Year of Balance." I have some divergent goals, and I need to balance everything. I'd like to set a PR financially, but also on the road and in the pool. I'd like like to start a new job ... and a family. I'd like to have a fit body .. . and a clean house. You get the picture. Basically, I want it all.

From past experience, I can easily identify three keys to success:

1. Goal setting. I just get more done when I have a goal. I'll set some specific goals in another post.

2. Frequency. Slow and steady (literally) wins the race for me. It took me a while to figure out the exercising 4 times a week for 30 minutes was better (and more likely and sustainable) in the long run than once a week for 2 hours.

3. Record-keeping. Hello, blog and online triathlon friends. Thanks for all your help! Also, I do love spreadsheets.

So that's it. 2007 is the "Year of Balance." Next up, goals.

Friday, December 22, 2006

New Year, New Blog

So, I decided to start up the blog again. I even spruced it up with a fresh new look - blue is my favorite color. Unfortunately, I lost all my links and stuff when I switched the template. Whoops!