Monday, July 18, 2005

Girl in the mist

We had strange weather this weekend. Warm, humid, and misty. Drove out to the beach late-ish Friday night. Worried that we would hit a deer - it was so foggy you couldn't see more than 10-15 feet. (Yes, I have an irrational fear of hitting a deer, but they are everywhere!) Went to sleep with the sound of the foghorn. Broo! Broo!

Saturday it was still very foggy - I expected it to burn off but it never did. Went for my 8-mile run with my housemate. She is also training for the marathon, and did it last year. We left around 10:45, later than ideal but not too bad. The temperature was only in the high 70s, but really, it was so misty that humidity must be close to 100%. You couldn't see the horizon. Or the next turn in the road. Hell, you couldn't see the lighthouse until we were right up on it. (You could hear it though . . . Broo! Broo!) I was soaked with sweat, and had to walk on a few of the hills, but, I did it, and it was nice to be out there with someone. Came home, did lots of extra stretching, took a shower and a nap. The fog was so thick, you couldn't see off the back porch.

Sunday morning's assignment was only 4 miles. Headed out around 9:30. Still warm and humid, but not as hot as the day before. New tunes in my MP3 player made it easier. Husband and I went to brunch. There was another nap. In the afternoon, we went for a nice bike ride up to the point. Pretty much the same route as Saturday's run. My legs were tired and burning at the start, but got a little better. Saw 2 deer (up close) and about 5 rabbits on our bike ride. Many Long Island rabbits are thrill-seekers who like to dart across the trail at the last possible moment, practically under the wheels of the bike.

Drove home through a thick blanket of fog. It was a good weekend.

Marathon training plan, 16 weeks to go:
Monday: off
Tuesday: 4
Wednesday: 4
Thursday: 4
Friday: off
Saturday: 10
Sunday: 4
Total = 26 miles

Again, I will probably sub one of those 4 mile days for some swimming, but should be okay with this!

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