Brrr! It was cold and windy this morning. Around 30 degrees and gray. After hitting the snooze several times, husband reached his limit and shoved me out of bed. The apartment was cold. I made a hot breakfast (oatmeal with raisins, a cup of tea) and threw on a lot of layers -- 2 pairs of pants (thin tights with windstopper pants over top), shortsleeve shirt covered with 2 sweat-wicking longsleeve shirts. Gloves and a hat, too. Then I put my free race sweatshirt on over everything, so this was probably a bit of overkill.
The race started at 9:30, and I picked up my number (and sweatshirt and chip) at 9:14. The place closed at 9:15, so this was cutting it a little close. Number pickup is on 89th Street, but the race start is near 110th Street. A brisk walk over there served as a warmup, and I was only standing around at the start for a few minutes. This sure beats standing asround freezing for a 1/2 hour, which has happened in the past.
It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I haven't done any running at all since our vacation in early January. I've done quite a few of these races in Central Park, but I was a little nervous this time. I don't really know why, but it was good to just get back out there.
I ran the first 2.5 miles without stopping, then stopped for water and a walk break around mile 3. Walked a bit on the last big hill, too -- my left knee was aching a bit. I got a little overheated and took off my hat and gloves for the last mile. All in all, I think I'd rather be too warm than miserably cold.
So I finished in 43:34 minutes, a pace of 10:53 per mile. Eh. Nothing great, but considering that I haven't been doing much of anything lately, I am pleased to be in line with my other results. Since I haven't been doing much lately, I had to push myself more to get the same result as in other races. I was actually 2 seconds faster than I was at this time last year!
I was thinking about the whole concept of races this morning. Why do I do it? Sure, I'd like to get in better shape, lose a few pounds, etc. But I could do that without trekking up to Central Park and running around in the cold. I guess I just really need to feel a sense of accomplishment. I look for that in other parts of my life too - money, job, MBA, marathon, etc.
I also think it's good for Husband and I to each have our own "thing" that we do without the other. We weren't exactly spring chickens when we got married, and both of us were used to doing things on our own terms. We have both always been very independent, and you really don't need make many compromises when you live alone. I know he loves me, but sometimes he just needs to be left alone.
I hear a lot of women, especially new moms, that they never have time to do anything for themselves, they feel like they lose themselves, etc. And that running or tri or painting or whatever is so important to them because they have a chance to be alone with their thoughts. I guess I already learned this lesson, when I started running and training for triathlons last year. Getting out there after a few months of sloth and winter blahs reminded me.
Okay, enough random musings. There's a 5K next Sunday, and another 4 miler in 2 weeks. Then Mom and I are going to walk a half marathon. Lots of accomplishments to look forward to!