Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This Weekend

Should be interesting. My mom is coming to town Saturday and we are going to walk a half-marathon together in Central Park on Sunday. It's a women-only event, for women over 40. Women under 40 (like me) can do the event with a partner.

[Hmm, 40 really isn't that far away . . . does anybody else hear that ticking?]

She claims she's been sick, so she hasn't been able to do much training. For weeks. Sounds like an excuse to me, but OK. She'll be fine. It will literally be a walk in the park.

Anyway, I think it is going to be fun, and I suspect she will get a glimpse into why I like the races. There's going to be a medal! And walking 13 miles will give us plenty of time to catch up. Maybe this will become a tradition? Although I bet Mom would vote for a 5K . . . ;-)

I booked her a massage a few hours after the race. Sometimes I am a pretty good daughter.

1 comment:

Nancy Toby said...

40 is ancient history, girl.

60 is the new 30, I say. :-)