Sunday, October 02, 2005

Which do you want first?

The good news or the bad news?

The good news is pretty good. I finished the swim! I swam farther than I ever have in my life. I kept going, I didn't quit. I was tired and my arms were like noodles, but I finished it. 1.2 miles. I think Husband was actually pretty impressed. Also, since I never seem to swim in a straight line, I probably covered at least 1.5 miles. Husband followed me around the pond and snapped my picture when I dragged myself out.

The bad news is that I missed the cut-off time for the swim. Started at 7:05, got out ~8:20. I knew I was last, but planned to "keep going until someone stops me". Unfortunately, someone did. I got back to the sea of empty racks as fast as I could and stripped off my wetsuit.

The race director came over and said that he couldn't let me back on the course. "Really?" "Sorry, but we have time limits on the roads. I need your chip."



But, I still feel good. I swam. Far. And maybe exorcised a personal demon, since I quit on the swim in my last try.

NYC Marathon, here I come.


Nancy Toby said...

Was your time over 1:22? I need to know, since I want to hold the record for the longest, most off-course half IM swim on record.

Seriously, you did great! Bravo for starting the day and finishing a tough swim! Every race is just training for the next.

On to NYCM! I'll be there!!!

William said...

I can even swin 1/2 that far.

Good effort and it just makes you hungrier!

Cliff said...

What an accomplish to swim 1.5 miles. Sorry to hear about the cut off. But you did it. Freetsyle is hard. In my tri, I breastroke the whole way. Need to learn and swim like a fish next time.

:) said...

Hey, don't be so hard on finished the swim and like you said...last time you had to stop on the swim! Now...on to much bigger and better things.

Good luck on the Marathon!