Thursday, November 10, 2005


What recovery? I feel totally fine. Granted, it is Thursday, but I felt fine yesterday and Tuesday too. On Monday I took a vacation day and never left the house. Sunday night/Monday morning I slept for 12 hours. So maybe that's what cured me.

Seriously, though, I am a little surprised at how great I feel. A little chafing under the arms which is gone now. My knees and quads hurt on Monday, but by Tuesday I was just a little stiff.

My feet are a wonder to me. Not a blister, bruise or damaged toenail. They are ready for sandals in South Beach. I guess I have my shoes to thank. The Asics GT2100 in size 9A are the shangri-la of footwear. (Unfortunately, this model has recently been discontinued. I hope the replacement meets my high expectations!)

When can I do it again?


Nancy Toby said...

Thank Mom and Dad for good genetics, too! Now me and Mom, we're going to have a long talk about these crappy feet I inherited.... :-)

Cliff said...

Asics are the best. I didn't have any blisters for my marathon and any long runs.

That's a good idea to rest up for Sun and Mon. I went to work right after. By Thrusday I was out for a fun run.