Monday, December 19, 2005

don't know my own strength

On Saturday we went to a party at a friend's. Midway through the evening, I tripped on a step, fell in the hallway and . . . knocked a HOLE in the WALL of their nice new house. What the . . . ?

These kind of things happen more than I care to admit. Pulling a doorknob off, tugging on something until it breaks, that kind of thing.

I'd like to think it's due to my super-human strength, but sadly I know I am just kind of a klutz. Sigh.

Went to the gym yesterday - 50 minutes on the elliptical. Felt good to be back.


Cliff said...

Be careful with the elliptical..with your super human strength, you may pull the elliptical out :).

It's ok I am a klutz as well. The first time i got my road bike. I was pedalling hard up a hill. Silly I decided to swim gears. I broke the chain. Have to call a friend to come and pick me up..ohhh the humiliation..

Lesson learnt. Don't mesh the pedal while changing gears..

:) said...

You guys are monsters!! Just happens to the best of us.

Nancy Toby said...

Klutz? You and me both! I'm the one who just broke her brand new camera! *sob*

These new houses have cheap flimsy 3/8" sheetrock. Not your fault!!