Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The strike is on

MTA workers are officially on strike - that means no subways or buses for the 7 million commuters who use them every day. I really didn't think it would come to this.

I decided today would be a good day to work from home. Go figure.

But I was out this morning to move my car to a legal space. With no buses, there was actually very little traffic. I didn't see any taxis - I'm sure it will be impossible to get one today. I did see people out on foot, bike, skateboard and razor scooter. Windchill is 8 degrees today - too cold to be out for a long walk. Husband has a long walk today. Cover your ears!

One thing I will say is that I feel like a real New Yorker. I have been here for:
- the Transit strike
- the Blackout
- the Marathon!
- Times Square on New Year's Eve
- the Village Halloween Parade
- Ice skating in Central Park
- Graduation in Washington Square
- the Internet boom
- the Crash
- And of course 9/11. Sigh. I still miss my pre-terror city.

There's also the little things, like:
- Seeing a friend's band at CBGB's
- Buying stuff on Craig's List
- Bagels (they really are better here)
- Pizza
- Roomates (glad that phase of my life is over, but actually it was fun)
- Tipping big
- After hours clubs (not in years and years)
- Celebrity sightings
- Street Meat
- Various protests and demonstrations
- Walk ups
- Brooklyn
- the B&T crowd

Riding the subway is one of those little things that makes it New York.

I'm feeling kind of been there, done that. Time to move? I'll miss it.

1 comment:

Nancy Toby said...

Wow, I hadn't heard about it. Isn't it nice that you're fit enough to walk around wherever you feel like? :-)