Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Mighty Hamptons Race Report - the middle

I try to casually approach my bike at the transition area, but it's kind of embarassing because I am wearing a wetsuit and going the wrong way. Others are returning from the swim and tearing off on their bikes. Oh well, what the hell.

I pull off my suit, and pour 1/2 my water bottle on my feet to get the sand off. Suck down a vanilla flavored gel and wash it down with amino vital. Helmet, gloves, sunglasses. Check. Trixie and I are off!

I never pre-rode the course, so what was around the next corner was almost always a surprise. It was beautiful. The course was rolling hills. They tend to put hairpin turns at the bottom of a hill here in the Hamptons. Funny I never noticed that in a car.

I have to say, I really enjoyed it. Maybe I was just relieved to be on dry land, but I just pedalled along, admiring the scenery, checking out the real estate. Noticing other people's gear. I said "good morning" or "thank you" to all the volunteers (mostly teenagers) and cops out on the course.

My time was slower than I expected. Surprise, surprise. I believe that I averaged 15 mph - roughly 5 miles every 20 minutes. I was passed by many, and a passed a few people on my own.

Observed on the course:
  • 2 dudes fixing flat tires (glad that wasn't me)
  • 1 racer on a beach cruiser (how did she pass me?)
  • Some dude in a Porsche convertible who totally gunned the engine when he passed my group of bikers. What a tool.
  • Site of the Hampton Classic horse show (another rider pointed this out)
  • Christie Brinkley's house (she wouldn't shut up)
  • Roadkill: dead rabbit, cat, and a giant deer
  • Really huge, multi-million $ estates
  • Older, not-so-nice houses who refuse to leave
  • Farmland - corn, pumpkins and wine grapes are coming along nicely

As I approached the transition area near the end, I was looking ahead at the "slow down" signs and the dismounting riders. I almost didn't see something crossing the bike lane, and had to swerve to miss . . . . a turtle! Poking his head out and trying to cross. I swear to God. I laughed out loud.

Still loving my bike.

1 comment:

:) said...

...and the run?