Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well, I've been totally slacking for the past week and a half, but it's not too late to salvage the month. So I calculated what I would need to do for the next 2.5 weeks to reach my September goals. I changed the "plan" to reflect the "actual" past, so I could revise the next 2 weeks and still make the month.

I have a lot of swimming and biking to do. A lot. But the running looks totally reasonable. I even raised my goal a little. I'm glad I did the spreadsheet, because the sidebar system was getting a little out of control. I'm a girl who loves spreadsheets.

I have a big race on Sunday. My first Olympic distance triathlon! I didn't get a chance to pre-ride/swim/run the course, but I feel pretty ready. Still concerned about the swim, which is a longer distance than I've ever done before. I'm hoping the 23 mile bike and the 10K run will be a walk in the park. I would have never said that 6 months ago!

The 1/2 Ironman is only 2 weeks after my first Olympic distance. I've given myself permission to drop out, depending on how things go Sunday. I'm just really not very prepared - I haven't swam or biked that distance yet. So, I'll see how it goes on Sunday and make a decision then.

The good news is that I feel totally prepared for the marathon. I still have, let's see, 52 days, and I feel like I could do it next week if I really had to. As long as I have plenty of gels. And low humidity. It's funny how swimming and biking made me a better runner.


Chris said...

Best of luck on Sunday! I can't wait for the race report!

Nancy Toby said...

You can do it!!! Just keep going until they make you stop! You will get across that finish line and do great!!

:) said...

Wow, you have a full plate coming up! An olympic, half IM and a marathon! are hardcore.

Good luck on Sunday!