. . . . Get back on the horse?
The Mightyman Montauk race is NEXT weekend. This is a half Ironman distance - 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and a 13.1 mile run.
This was always going to be a stretch for me. And in all honesty, I really haven't trained for it. After my rather dismal performance in the Olympic distance marathon, most of me thinks I should drop out. I wish I had more time to train. Like a year.
But, I'm having trouble making a decision. Here are the pros and cons:
- I'm much more familiar with the course.
- I've already paid the registration fee.
- The swim is in a pond - unlikely to be choppy.
- Drowning.
- Getting hurt.
- Being embarrassed.
- I'm more familiar with the course, but I haven't actually done the whole thing. And I won't have time before the race.
- My longest bike ride ever was 30 miles, not 56. My longest swim is not anywhere near 1.2 miles.
- The swim is basically across the pond and back. If I decide to quit, I am either in the middle of a lake or on the other side of it, not near a beach alongside the transition area. The entry/exit area is a boat landing ramp. The other sides of the pond are sort of marshy.
- Maybe I should "save it" for the Marathon.
- There's always next year.
Regardless of what I decide to do, I really need to work on my swimming this Fall/Winter. I really have some kind of irrational phobia. I'm considering hypnosis. Actually, I am more likely planning to take a Total Immersion workshop, or another swimming class.
Any advice?
Here are some pictures from the Mighty Hamptons tri.

You should never do a race without properly training. You might hurt yourself and miss out on the NYC marathon. I say save it up, get strong and do your best.
I say your paid, you should do it. Finish the swim and bike and walk the run if you have to. Never be afraid of being embarresed. Having the courage to try is more than most people will ever have. If worst comes to worst drop out.
Do it for fun!
Good point, Flatman. Should have include "fun" in my list of Pros. Even though, I didn't really finish my last tri, I honestly enjoyed it. I'm smiling in all my pictures!
Mom says, "Do it!"
You could always start the day and take it from there - keep going if you feel like it, if not - STOP! If it's a well-run tri they will have support out on the swim course and you can always stop out in the middle if you want. It's already a sunk cost, right?
On the other hand, you sound half-hearted about it, like you aren't very excited about doing it. That may determine your answer.
Good luck whatever you decide! There's always next year!!!
Thanks everyone! I'm leaning toward "yes", but I'll probably wait until the last minute to make a decision.
Several people have suggested the breast stroke as a way to keep calm in the water. I wish I were better at it!
since you paid your fee just do it as a training day. no pressure just have fun!
Side Stroke has worked for me, in a pinch!
incidentally, since the swim course is triangular.....why not break it down into pieces: Warm-up, smooth rhythm, and god willing a kick at the end.
I'd argue in favor of doing the race. Race for fun, race for the knowledge and experience. But only you know your training and capabilities.
RE: Swimming, I am a huge fan of the Total immersion stuff. 2 years ago I could not swim with my face in the water. Now, thanks to TI, I'm doing OK. I got over my race swim freak-outs simply by racing A LOT! Every race got a little better until the panic attack symptoms went away completely late this summer. Hang in there.
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