Tuesday, September 06, 2005

new bike!

So, after my long run on Saturday (and a big lunch and a small nap), I picked up my new bike.

Ain't she a beaut?

I originally asked for silver color, then the bike shop guy called and said they were back ordered on silver, so I said blue was ok, and thought that's what I was getting. But they had the silver after all.

I hadn't noticed that the silver included a pink stripe. So I guess my bike is a girl. Or a gay man. I think may may name her "Trixie", because that is the name of Speed Racer's girlfriend. The bike looks fast. Husband is a little like Speed.

Husband and I went out Sunday, and did about 25 miles. He made some minor adjustments to the seat and pedals on the way -- it's like having my own personal bike genius.

We took Montauk Highway out to a place on the bay called Lazy Point. I like the name. Legs were stiff at first, but it was lovely when we really got going.

Very pleased with my new toy.


:) said...

Congratulations! She's a beauty!!! Trixie is a great name for a bike. Are you using clipless pedals yet?

Chris said...

That's a very nice ride! I love the silver! Congrats on the new purchase! :)

Nancy Toby said...

Yay! Trixie looks like a beauty! Great name!

Born To Endure said...

Congrats...it's so beautiful!!!

Tracy said...

Awesome bike there! And what a great name :)

TriDaddy said...

Great bike! I've got a 2004 Giant OCR2 and really love it!