Thursday, August 04, 2005


So, someone was kind enough to point out to me that the Mightyman Montauk is not in 94 days, it is in 58. I was looking at the marathon countdown. Doh! Total freudian slip.

I'm in a better mood today, so I'm just going to wait & see how my training camp goes, and how the Hamptons tri goes. I'll find out if there is more left in me after that event.

On a better note, last night Husband and I went to the "good" pool. It's been closed for a week for cleaning/repairs, so on Sunday we went to the "yucky" pool, which I hate, because it is older, dirtier and usually more crowded. The locker rooms are particularly ghetto. I'm considering reporting them to the Board of Health.

But I digress. We went to the good pool last night. It was awesome! It has been closed for a week, and I think they totally changed the water! It was cool and refreshing, and not too chlorified or worse, salty (that really grosses me out). Anyway, I did 15 laps. Yes, I stopped in between for some. But my swimming is definitely getting better and better. Going to the pool with Husband and sharing a lane is a nice ritual we do together.

I got my Marathon handbook in the mail yesterday! It has all the details about the course, travel arrangements, and of course marathon gear to buy. What a logistical challenge this thing is. The fastest 9,000 women will start the race in a special area. If your number is 18,000 or higher, go to such and such area, and so on. The cutest thing is that there will be "SpongeBob Square Pants" sponging stations starting at mile 19. At least I know something will make me smile toward the end -- I love SpongeBob!

I am totally psyched!

Also, I came across a quote to inspire me:

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962)

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