Tuesday, August 30, 2005

customer service -- update

Well, after much frustration, Mom confirms that a new refrigerator was delivered this morning, and yes, it is cold inside. They even paid for delivery and took away the old one. Woo-hoo! Seriously, I am glad this was finally resolved, and that Sears did the right thing.

She actually posted an update over the weekend for anyone interested:


Thanks to all for the advice and interest. The story isn’t over yet, but here's an update:

Aug 25 (day 13) – No word from the Sears store. After multiple calls to customer service, misinformation, lost in hold land, disconnections, and conflicting information – Out of the blue, a salesman from the store calls to tell us to come to the store and arrange the exchange. Husband calls me at work. I drive to the store immediately.

The refrigerator I bought in December isn’t in the store. A slightly smaller unit, somewhat more expensive, is the closest match. Salesman and store manager agree that they’ll call it an even exchange. They seem to think it’s a really big concession. Gee. About $100. I’m thankful, but it doesn’t begin to cover the dorm fridge, the take out meals, the trips to the supermarket every day, the time and aggravation of getting this done. I’m going to pay that much to get the thing delivered and the old one taken away. I want to tell them to stop acting like they’re doing me such a favor. Instead, I say thank you.

Delivery is outsourced. I need to call someone else to arrange delivery. First delivery available is for next Tuesday. 5 days from now. Fine.

Back at work, my department and ‘neighbors’ have been following the saga. They think I’m a wuss not to insist on delivery sooner. “Daughter” calls store. She’s a bulldog. They agree to intervene and try to arrange delivery for Friday or Saturday.

Aug 26 (day 14) – The store folks didn’t call. I knew they were lying. I don’t even care. Worst case is that I’ll get the fridge in 4 more days. I’m tired. I’m worn down. I can’t stand to think of this anymore. I am so sick of talking to these people. They have me where they want me. Do you think it will be delivered on time? I’m taking bets.

Aug 27
Aug 28
Aug 29
Aug 30 (day 18) --- This is the day that my refrigerator is supposed to be delivered. I’m sick of this story. How do you think it will end?

If the fridge isn’t delivered on Tuesday, I am dragging the old one out to the porch, putting a huge, “informational” sign on it, and telling them to come to get it. I want my money back. I’m done with Sears. The DIY superstores offer next day delivery. I will have a fridge before next weekend, one way or another.


Mom was very pleased by the comments and support she received after, um, alerting the media on my blog. Thanks!

I think maybe Mom needs a blog, a blog to call her own. ;-)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Agh! Man, what a story. What a shame that you had to go through all that mess! Good luck!